The Phoenician Origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons (1924 - 1st. edition)
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The Phoenician Origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons (1924 - 1st. edition)
- Topics
- Adam, Aeneas, Akkad, Albion, Amorites, Aryans, Assyrians, Austine, Barats, Bel, Bil, Boghaz Koi, Brahman, Brigid, Britain, Britons, Brutus, Caesar, Cappadocia, Cassi, Cath-luan, Catti, Corn-Spirit, Culdees, Cymric, deer, Daxa, Dionysos, Edin, Fire-cross, goat, Gaelic, Goths, Gutim, Hittites, Indra, Indo-Europeans, Jahveh, Jove, Khatti, King-lists, L. A. Waddell, London, Lud, Maia, Mesopotamia, Mikal, Newton Stone, Norse, Panch, Parat, Part-olon, Peirithoos, Phoenicians, Picts, Pixies, Prydi, Rig Veda, St. Andrew, St. Michael, Sanskrit, Sargon, Scots, Semiramis, serpent-worship, Smyrna, solar observatory, Stonehenge, Sumer, Sun-horse, Sun-worship, Syria, Tascio, Tas-Mikal, Tash-Ub, Thor, Tri-novant, Trojans, unicorn, Ur, Van, Vikings, Waddell, Welsh
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- folkscanomy_miscellaneous; folkscanomy; additional_collections
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- English
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- 444.4M
1. The Phoenicians discovered to be Aryans in Race and the Ancestors of the Britons, Scots and Anglo-Saxons.
2. The Undeciphered Phoenician Inscriptions of about 400 B.C. in Britain and Site of Monument.
3. The Inscriptions of Newton Stone and Previous Futile Attempts at Decipherment.
4. Decipherment and Translation of the Phoenician Inscriptions: Disclosing Monument to be a votive Fire-Cross to the Sun-god Bel by a Phoenician Hittite "Brit-on," and the script and language Aryan-Phoenician or Early Briton.
5. Date of Newton Stone Inscriptions about 400 B.C.: Disclosing special features of Aryan-Phoenician Script, also Ogam as sacred Sun-cult script of the Hittites, Early Britons and Scots.
6. Personal, Ethnic and Geographic Phoenician Names and Titles in Newton Stone Inscriptions and their Historic Significance: Disclosing also Phoenician source of the "Cassi" title of Ancient Briton kings and their Coins.
7. Phoenician Tribal Title of "Barat "or "Brihat" and its Source of names "Brit-on," "Brit-ain" and "Brit-annia": Disclosing Aryan-Phoenician Origin of the tutelary Britannia and of her form and emblems in Art.
8. Phoenician Barat or "Brit" author of Newton Stone Inscriptions disclosed as Historical Original of "Part-olon, King of the Scots" and traditional civilizer of Ireland about 400 B.C.: Disclosing Hitto-Phoenician Origin of clan title "Uallana" or "Vellaunus" or "Wallon" of Briton Kings Cassi-Vellaunus or Cad-Wallon, &c.; and of "Uchlani" title of Cassi ruling Britons.
9. Local Survival of Part-olon's Name in the District of his Monument: Disclosing Phoenician Origin of names Barthol, Bartle, Bartholomew, and "Brude" title of the Kings of the Picts.
10. Part-olon's Invasion of Ireland about 400 B.C. discovers the First Peopling of Ireland and Albion in the Stone Age by Matriarchist Van or Fen "Dwarfs": Disclosing Van or "Fein" Origin of Irish aborigines and of their Serpent-worship, St. Brigid and Matrilinear Customs of Irish and Picts.
11. Who were the Picts? Disclosing their Non-Aryan Racial Nature and Affinity with Matriarchist Van, Wan or Fein Dwarfs and as the aborigines of Britain in Stone Age.
12. Who were the "Celts" properly so-called? Disclosing identity of Early British "Celts" or Kelts and "Culdees" with the "Khaldis" of Van and the Picts.
13. Coming of the Britons or Aryan Brito-Phoenicians under King Brutus-the-Trojan to Albion about 1103 B.C..
15. Phoenician Penetration of Britain attested by "Barat " patronym in old Place and Ethnic Names: Disclosing also Sumero-Phoenician sources of "Cumber, Cymer and Somer" ethnic Names.
16. "Catti," "Keith, Gad and Cassi" titles in Old Ethnic and Place Names evidencing Phoenician Penetration of Britain and its Isles: Confirming Hitto-Phoenician origin of "Catti" and "Cassi" Coins of pre-Roman Britain.
18. Prehistoric "Cup-Marking" on Circles, Rocks, etc., in Britain, and Circles on Ancient Britain Coins and Monuments as Invocations to Sun-god in Sumerian Circle script by Early Hitto-Phoenicians: Disclosing Phoenician Origin of Solar Emblems on prehistoric Briton inscriptions by identical Cup-marks on Hitto-Sumerian seals and Trojan Amulets with explanatory Sumer script; and Hitto-Sumer Origin of god names "Jahveh" or Jove, Indra, "Indri"-Thor of Goths "St. Andrew," Earth-goddess "Maia" or May, "Three Fates or Sibyls" etc, and of English names and signs of Numerals.
19. "Sun-Worship" and Bel-Fire Rites in Early Britain derived from the Phoenicians: Disclosing Phoenician Origin of Solar Emblems on pre-Christian monuments in Britain, on pre-Roman Britain Coins, and of "Deazil" or Sunwise direction and Horse-shoe for Luck, etc., and John-the-Baptist as Aryan Sun-Fire Priest.
20. Sun Cross of Hitto-Phoenicians is Origin of pre-Christian Cross on Briton Coins and Monuments and of "Celtic" and "True" Cross in Christianity: Disclosing Catti, "Hitt-ite" or Gothic Origin of "Celtic" or Runic Cross, Fiery Cross, Red Cross of St. George, Swastika and "Spectacles;" Crosses on Early Briton Coins, etc., and introduction of True Cross into Christianity by the Goths; and ancient "Brito-Gothic " Hymns to the Sun.
21. St. Andrew as Patron Saint with his "Cross" incorporates Hitto-Sumerian Father-God Indara, Indra or Gothic "Indri "-Thor and his hammer introduced into Early Britain by Gothic Phoenicians: Disclosing pre-Christian worship of Andrew in Early Britain and Hittite Origin of Crosses on Union Jack and Scandinavian Ensigns; Unicorn and Cymric Goat as sacred Goat of Indara; Goat as rebus for "Goth"; and St. Andrew as an Aryan Phoenician.
22. Corn Spirit "Tas-Mikal" or "Tash-ub" of Hitto-Sumers is "Tascio" of Early Briton Coins and Prehistoric Inscriptions, "Ty" Gothic god of Tues-day, and "Michael-the-Archangel," introduced by Phoenicians: Disclosing his identity with Phoenician Archangel "Tazs," "Taks," "Dashap-Mikal," and "Thiaza," "Mikli" of Goths," "Daxa" of Vedas, and widespread worship in Early Britain; Phoenician Origin of Dionysos and "Michaelmas" Harvest Festival and of those names.
23. Aryan-Phoenician Racial Element in the Mixed Race of the British Isles and its Effect on the Progress of British Civilization.
24. Historical Effects of the Discoveries.
I. Chronological List of Early Briton Kings, from Brutus about 1103 B.C. to Roman Period, Compiled from Early British Chronicles of Geoffrey of Monmouth and supplemented by records of Dr. Powell, etc., and confirmed by Briton Coins, etc..
II. Part-olon's Identity with "Cath-Iuan," first traditional King of the Picts in Scotland.
Ill. "Catti" Place and Ethnic Names evidencing Phoenician Penetration in the Home Counties, Midlands, North of England, Ireland and Scotland.
IV. Brutus-the-Trojan as the Homeric Hero "Peirithoos".
V. Founding of London as "New Troy" (Troe-Noey or Tri-novant) by King Brutus about 1100 B.C..
VI. Mor or "Amorite" Cup-marked Inscriptions with Sumerian Script on Tomb of Aryan Sun-Priestess, of about 4000 B.C. from Smyrna, supplying a Key to Cup-marked Script in Britain.
VII. The Amorite Phoenician Tin Mines of Cassiterides in Cornwall (?) referred to by Sargon I. of Akkad, about 2750 B.C.; and Kaptara or "Caphtor" as Abdara in Spain.
Abbreviations for Chief References.
Published 1924 Williams & Norgate, Ltd., London W.C.2, copyright expired (author: L.A Waddell / Laurence Austine Waddell (1854–1938)). Waddell was a Contributor to ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, 1909, and to HASTING'S ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF RELIGION AND ETHICS, 1908-1921.
OCR version of the 2nd edition (1925):
Successor volume:
"...Unfortunately however, the terminology for this racial type, to which the Sumerians belong as well as the Early Aryans, classic Greeks and Romans and many of the modern people of Europe, is in a very confused state through anthropologists including "Mediterraneans" amongst the "Caucasians," and using both terms ambiguously. ... In the absence of any better name for the broad-browed long-headed type, I have called it "Aryan," after its most characteristic group. In any case, the term "Nordic Race" is quite inapplicable as a synonym for "Aryan Race," as the Norse are only a late specialized branch of one section of the Aryans. In former works, following the current fashion, I was led or misled into using that term occasionally in such synonymous sense, though usually under protest as "the so-called Nordic race." But that term should now be wholly discarded in this connexion, if we would avoid needless confusion and anachronism."
--pp. ix-x, "Egyptian Civilization: Its Sumerian Origin & Real Chronology" (1930) (L.A. Waddell)
Book reviews of "The Phoenician Origin Of The Britons" taken from dust-wrapper of "The British Edda" (1930) and "The Aryan Origin of the Alphabet" (1927), also by Waddell:
"A most interesting book. It certainly appears to scratch out the 'pre' from the so-called 'prehistoric' period in which the origin of our island-ancestors was deemed 'lost.'" --Daily Mail.
"Dr Waddell's book exercises a convincing effect--his conclusions and discoveries are remarkable, and they are advanced in a manner essentially that of the scientific historian. Deduction follows deduction until the complete edifice stands revealed with every stone in place." --Literary Guide.
"Never before has the Phoenician theory of the Britons been presented so authoritatively and supported by such an imposing array of evidence." --Northern Whig.
"Is nothing short of a real romance--a book you have to tear yourself away from. Profusely and well illustrated--a fascinating book." --Birmingham Gazette.
"A book of remarkable and unusual interest, written in a very interesting manner. The facts and explanations are very striking and fill over 400 pages, interspersed with drawings of the monuments, coins, stone relics, ancient inscriptions, etc." --Newcastle Chronicle.
"Fascinating deductions of stimulating interest. The claim is all the more interesting because it approaches the subject from a new angle." --Western Morning News
"Proofs as convincing as they are laboriously worked out." --Daily Graphic.
"Remarkable and fascinating story of engrossing interest." -- British Weekly.
"Students of 'our mysterious ancestry' must now consult this work on British Origins, so learned and well illustrated." -- Glasgow Herald.
"A stupendous thing. A book of Truth stranger than Fiction--written in a clear and straightforward style that appeals to the average intelligent reader who has an interest in progress and the manner of that progress of his race." -- Globe, St. John, N.B.
"The book is packed with interesting facts from the latest authorities, and the illustrations are happily chosen. Indices are all that could be desired." -- Professor A. H. Sayce.
"The glory of descent from pure British stock has been greatly enhanced by an archaeological feat of the first rank." -- New York Evening Post.
"Offers good reading -- subject treated with insight and given attractive form. --Oxford Chronicle.
"One is almost constrained to believe the new theory. It provokes thought, and it ought to stimulate research into regions not sufficiently explored. We may be sure that many theories formulated and accepted in the past, even by careful and learned historians, will have to be abandoned." --Inquirer.
"Profoundly interesting volume. It cannot be put aside as a collection of hurried conclusions of a careless student. Lavishly illustrated. Pages of deep interest relating to the stone-circles of Stonehenge and Keswick, discovering engraved marks previously overlooked by other observers." --Daily Province, Vancouver.
See also: PRESTON, Christine: 'The Rise of Man in the Gardens of Sumeria: A Biography of L.A. Waddell' (2009)
"It can be shown that Sumerians who lived over five thousand years ago in Mesopotamia are almost identical in skull and face form with living Englishmen, and that predynastic Egyptian skulls can be matched both in a seventeenth century London plague pit, and in Neolithic cist-graves in Switzerland..."
--page 83, COON, CARLETON STEVENS: 'The Races of Europe' (1939)
- Addeddate
- 2013-11-03 14:37:39
- Identifier
- ThePhoenicianOriginOfBritonsScotsAnglo-saxons1924-1st.Edition
- Identifier-ark
- ark:/13960/t2c84hx48
- Ocr
- ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR)
- Ppi
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